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On the road

Dalice Trost

My sister and I decided to get away for a couple of days and head to the Blue Mountains. We planned this trip for the end of August, but Covid sent NSW into lockdown, so the trip was postponed. Finally made it last week :)

We decided against the easier highway drive and followed the road less travelled. Also we decided to see where the GPS took us - a magical mystery tour. It took us longer than the more regular ways, but it was fun.

We found a little wetland - I don't think I'll ever find it again - and spent some time watching the swans, ducks and coots. We drove through towns we only knew from hearing their names on weather reports. Occasionally I saw something I just had to photograph, and this photo was made during one of those moments.

In future posts I will share more of the trip with you, including shots of an iconic historical Australian hotel.

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